Wednesday, January 09, 2008

1/9/07 Video Shoot

Last night I directed a video shoot. With nowhere else to shoot I tore apart my kitchen and covered the wall with green screen material. The shoot is for projection footage for a multimedia performance of a piece called Struggle The Void. (lyrics below)

I wore a black hood with the face covered with green screen material. This will allow me to insert other images where my face would be. Other shots included green screening out a hole in my bare chest so fire can be inserted. I also shot a nude female playing the violin with the head and hips and legs covered with green screen so it appears as only a torso.

Here are the lyrics to the piece:

Searching through the nothingness
The curse of birth has snarled me
Desire for objects, lust for flesh
Diversions steal each moment's truth
Bloated with complacency
The reptiles build the babel great
Copulation steams with neon lights
The primordial ooze brings forth its fruit

Close your eyes, float into sleep
On a lily branch a dove is perched
Walk with me, look to the sky
Hear the breathing universe
All is perfect, all is pleasure
Mother's breast is always near
A fire burns in nature's bosom
The heartless Earth opens her arms

Look into my eyes
Can you share my feelings?
Can you know my thoughts?
We are together, but we are alone
My heart is empty
The emptiness is a mirror
I see my face in the mirror
I see the lines on my face
I see the future
I am an animal condemned to futility
Time mocks my every breath

Time steals my breath away
The taste of blood is in my mouth
We labor for our daily bread
The ancestral echoes pull us home
Maggots feast on futility
Narcissus dreams of billboards high
The odor of sex moves marionettes
Within the atoms it endures

The raven brings us charity
A drop of semen in the womb
Detachment is a feather pillow
The garden beckons innocence
One day is just like another
A meal of honey and cornbread
The great one floats on silent waters
His indifference is our time to play

This is my hand
I can move it
I can feel the blood pulsing through my veins
Is this my self?
Is this what I am?
This mass of flesh, sinews, blood and bones?
There must be something more
I have a name and I am alive

The insectiles dance in endless circles
Within the current I am lost
Our goals are phantoms that devour
Death makes our labors meaningless
The white mask threatens with the truth
Satori is the savior we decline
The clutching womb calls out to mankind
But within we find just empty space

The illusion of forms fades into one
A million saviors dance beneath
A pure bath of electricity
Chaos gives birth to all potential
Open your eyes, stand on the mountain
Hear the song of the wild gander
All is nothing, all is illusion
Surrender to the contradiction

Standing on life's edge
Looking out into the darkness
How can one live in the face of death
Knowing all is nothingness?
I call out to you from the darkness
But you remain silent
Hiding in a mist of unspoken promises
Is there anyone out there? Speak to me
Reach out your hand
Reveal yourself
I want answers not faith
In our fear we make an image
A myth
A babble of insanity
I will tear you from my heart
And if in the final hour you are there
I will spit in your face
I am alive!
I search and I find nothing


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